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Deepak Chopra

Deepak Chopra on Menopause, Reconnecting With Yourself at Midlife, and His Favorite Supplements

IIN Chief Wellness Officer Deepak Chopra continues to be at the forefront of holistic health and wellness. He�s always innovating and leveraging the latest technology and research to make the world a happier, healthier, more grounded place. The bestselling author sat down with menopause advocate, author, Emmy-award winning television host, and IIN Certified Health Coach Tamsen Fadal for a wide-ranging, in-depth conversation about all things health and wellness. In this portion, Tamsen asks Deepak his thoughts on dealing with menopause, reconnecting with your true self, life�s seasons, effective herbal supplements, and more. 

'Practice Mindful Awareness in the Present Moment'

Tamsen Fadal: I work with and talk to a lot of women in menopause, and so many of them tell me they don't feel like themselves anymore, and they want to know what to do. I know it's common for men, too, during midlife, but are there any practices that you suggest for those trying to reconnect with their true selves and regain that sense of identity, purpose, and leadership that they feel they�re missing now? 

Deepak Chopra: Every season in life is an appropriate season. If you get stuck in childhood, that's not a good idea. If you get stuck in your teenage years, that's not a good idea. So, there's seasons of life, and every season is appropriate. But the most important thing for people to do is get in touch with that part of themselves that doesn't change. When we use the word I, what do we mean? We don't mean the body and we don't mean the mind, because body and mind are constantly changing. We mean that part of ourselves that seems like it was always there, our spirit and our awareness. The most effective way to deal with any season of life is to practice mindful awareness in the present moment. 

All the stress comes because we actually imagine something in the future or regret something in the past. But when you are totally present to whatever experience you're having, there's no real stress.  

deepak chopra

Herbal Supplements That Work

And for menopause, there's many things you can do, such as vagal stimulation, breathing techniques, bandhas [muscular contractions], and Kriy?s [a yoga technique or practice]. There are also herbal supplements like Shatavari, which is a natural estrogen that is derived from the asparagus plant root. You can now get it anywhere, including Amazon and health food stores. And, of course, exercise, meditation, and diet are crucial. 

Read More: Deepak Chopra on Eliminating Diseases, Living to 120, and How Technology Is Shaping Longevity

Tamsen Fadal: Yes, the herbal supplements are something that a lot of people have so many questions about now. We're finally having this conversation about menopause, and they want to know what else they can do besides just taking medicine. And I know diet plays a huge part, but the supplements you're talking about are also so necessary. 

Deepak Chopra: Yeah, Shatavari is a very good supplement. Triphala is also very good, as is Indian gooseberry, which is easily available on Amazon and other outlets.

Oh, and if you have a personal question, or any of your readers have questions, they can consult my digital twin, It answers personal questions in four languages: English, Spanish, Hindi, and Arabic. 

Read More: Deepak Chopra on His Daily Routine and How to Listen to Your Body

Learn Directly From Deepak Chopra 

You can experience Chopra�s teachings for yourself in our immersive course catalog. Dive deep into yoga, meditation, Ayurveda, and so much more, and learn from world-renowned faculty members and experts. And for those experiencing irregular cycles or fertility concerns, or who haven�t had the easiest time adjusting to menopause, the Hormone Health Course is informative and enlightening. Click here to browse the full course catalog. 

And make sure to check out Tamsen's new documentary, The M Factor: Shredding the Silence on Menopause, premiering on Oct. 17th on PBS stations and


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